Growing Strawberries in a Hanging Strawberry Planter


Growing strawberries in hanging planters is an excellent option for gardeners with limited space. When selecting varieties that produce all year long, look for ever-bearing or day-neutral types that start building in late spring to early summer and continue creating throughout their growing cycle, provided enough moisture and sunlight are available.

Search nursery strawberry starts ready to be transplanted from their mother plants. These mature plants feature well-established roots and lush foliage, making transplants simple and efficient.


Planters provide an efficient way of growing more strawberries simultaneously and harvesting them more quickly, but you must select an ideal container. Terra cotta pots look lovely but tend to dry out more rapidly and need watering more frequently than plastic ones – both factors should be considered when selecting your planter!

Strawberry plants require full sunlight to produce fruitful harvests, so ensure your planter receives at least six hours of direct sun daily. If possible, hang it somewhere sunny but wind-sheltered – possibly hanging it from a hook in a window sill is ideal! Additionally, consider providing support by adding a trellis or similar measure so they won’t topple over with wind gusts.

Planting strawberries in a hanging strawberry planter provides creative options for displaying your beautiful crop. You may use a traditional wire basket lined with coconut coir or sphagnum moss to prevent too much soil compaction, while 12 to 14-inch wide strawberry planters usually hold two or three plants with the crowns just above the rim of your container.

Hanging strawberry planters make excellent containers for displaying herbs and other low-growing plants, such as trailing succulents like the string of beads plant (Crassula ovata). You could even try planting trailing succulents like the string of beads plant (Crassula ovata). Such displays of color and texture create stunning presentations in any room!


Growing strawberries in a hanging planter presents gardeners with limited space and several advantages. Not only can you expand the harvest in less area than is usual with ground-grown strawberry patches, but a hanging strawberry planter allows gardeners to access this fruit from any corner of their garden, including doorways or balconies that would generally remain out of reach.

Like other strawberries, hanging strawberry planters require sufficient water to grow and produce fruit. To ensure they receive adequate hydration, growers should be watered at least twice weekly and more often during periods of extreme heat or drought. Care should be taken not to use either too cold, hot, or hard-draining water, as this may lead to root rot and stunt growth.

Water the strawberry planters early in the morning when most of the sun is out to help ensure they can absorb all the needed moisture. Furthermore, ensure your soil remains loose so roots can access water more readily.

Strawberry plants raised above ground level benefit from being kept out of direct contact with soil and thus are less vulnerable to pests like aphids and mites, making this planting ideal. Gardeners must still monitor these plants regularly for signs of insecticide-resistant aphids or mites that may still emerge; any detected should be immediately treated using insecticide.


Strawberry plants require not only plenty of sun and water to flourish, but they also need an ample mix of nutrients. Compost fertilizer is one of the best choices if you can access organic materials like grass clippings, weeds, and coffee grounds; commercial fertilizers should have an equal ratio between nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as indicated by their label numbers.

At first, when fertilizing strawberry plants, it is best to start by applying a granular formula that slowly releases into the soil. Apply a light dose before the plant produces foliage and follow up later when buds have begun forming with liquid products like Fox Farms Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 or MicroLife Ultimate 8-4-6 when buds appear per package instructions – these should focus more heavily on providing plenty of phosphorous so your fruit produces!

Mulching strawberry beds is also recommended in the fall to prevent weeds and protect plants from winter damage, with three to four inches of straw or shredded leaves covering your beds.

Hanging strawberry planters offer a convenient and delicious way to cultivate this versatile and delectable fruit in small spaces. Adjust the container during temperature fluctuations and provide enough sunlight and fertilizer for maximum productivity. To expand production further, propagate plants by pinning healthy runners into potting soil until their roots develop. Alternatively, multiply existing ones by pinning down healthy runners until roots have developed and established themselves.


Maintaining pest-free strawberry plants is critical to reaping abundant harvests. Aphids, in particular, pose a threat, producing nectar that draws insects onto the plant and spreading diseases to it.

Conducting regular inspections for bugs on strawberry plants and eliminating any you find can be one of the most effective ways to protect them from pests and disease. Pruning the plants during this process also promotes fruit production in future seasons.

Attracting bugs away from strawberry plants with natural insect repellents such as rotten egg spray, neem oil, hot pepper spray, and castor oil. Other natural techniques for protecting these delicate flowers against unwanted guests may include burying crushed eggshells around their bases, applying coarse sand to soil to deter soft-bodied insects from crawling over strawberry plants or placing copper barriers or tape to stop any possible crawlers from landing on them.

Crop rotation in your garden is another effective tool to protect it against pests and diseases. Rotation means planting different vegetables yearly in the same spot to replenish soil nutrients, disrupt disease cycles, and boost plant health. Weed-free beds and gritty mulch are other effective pest control measures; scare devices may be helpful as well, such as strips of aluminum foil hung from vines, disposable pie pans suspended by strings or wind chimes that play distress calls or songs associated with birds you’re trying to scare away or noisemakers that play distress calls or themes related to specific types of birds you want a noisemaker can be particularly effective at scaring away birds – especially effective!