King’s Game


After receiving mysterious text messages, a group of students discovers they have become trapped in The King’s Game – an irreversible, ever-evolving game where rules change daily, and they must adhere to follow orders or die.

Nobuaki Kanazawa was an optimistic student until his classmates started dying from playing King’s Game, prompting him to transfer to Kure Academy to end this deadly competition.


King’s Game offers many rules and variations for its various groups. Some cards, for instance, have specific actions attached (for example, five means ‘Bust a Rhyme”), while others may have random values assigned (like 9 for “Make a Rule”). Furthermore, specific rules only last one round while others can last multiple rounds – as well as variations to make the game even more exciting!

One of the most popular variations is to place a whole can of beer at the center of the table and form a circle with cards around it. Each time someone plays a card, they must drink from this can! This method provides extra gaggles while simultaneously keeping players drinking throughout the game.

Add an optional question master card. Whoever draws this card becomes the Question Master and may pose questions to any player at any time; they cannot respond themselves nor ask back the last player who asked a question; rather they must remain as Question Master until someone else picks up a Queen card.

This game has been featured in anime and manga series, such as ‘Persona 4’ and ‘Baka to Test to Shokanjuu. It tells a chilling horror tale of students receiving text messages from an unknown sender announcing they will be killed if they do not follow his orders – similar to recent horror flicks such as Countdown, which tells the tale of an app that predicts death with cruel instructions for survival; indeed it could easily fit alongside Final Destination films or Saw franchise where innocent victims must follow these orders or else they will die!


The King’s Game (commonly referred to as Donut, Circle of Death, or Ring of Fire) is a drinking game played with cards. The rules can be tailored specifically for any group playing it; these may include house rules and drawing card assignments before starting. Also popular are “Make a Rule” cards, which allow for customization based on drawing specific types of cards (some examples include no cursing, no pointing, and drinking from non-dominant hands if broken rules).

Although often labeled one of the worst anime ever created, King’s Game The Animation delivers on its promise as an enjoyable horror series. The show has an engaging plot and excellent character development; its outstanding animation makes facial expressions realistic! There may be some slow moments, but this series makes an enjoyable watch.

Nobuaki receives a text from the King who instructs him not to disobey, which could result in punishment from being punished if he breaks. At first, no one takes King’s threats seriously until more students die due to him; eventually, Chiemi kills herself so she and Nobuaki may escape safely together.

This series boasts an intensely horrifying ending befitting its 18 rating. Ria has discovered the truth behind King’s Game but must watch as more students die. Finally, she breaks into the system that sends out commands from King’s Game and shuts it down permanently, leaving no doubt about the level of horror this anime displays. This release from Anime Limited comes on two Blu-ray discs with clean OP/ED tracks, trailers, and an exclusive collector’s edition poster included with this release from Anime Limited!


Nobuaki Kanazawa transferred to Kure Academy with difficulty making friends due to his aggressive personality. It receives an unexpected text from The King outlining The King’s Game rules – forcing all students into participating or facing death. Nobuaki attempts to convince his classmates it’s real. Still, they don’t believe him, so with Honda Natsuko as help, they begin brainstorming how they can beat it together, discovering all who died had received one-letter texts from The King before dying, suggesting this apocalyptic virus-type game which would not end until every participant was dead.

They decide to break the rule that requires players who give orders to die, leading to several conflicts among themselves. One player, Teruaki, takes exception with Natsuki for stealing his phone following coitus and decides to assign her both positive and negative points in dice roll order – leading him to kill both her and Murazami Aimi, who received similar orders from Teruaki. Sooner or later, all players realize that killing themselves may be their only hope of victory.

Haruka Momoki was killed by the dice roll order when her instructor told her to touch her chest. Instead, she cut her wrists, which led to an immediate and fatal consequence. Minako Nakao, Chia Kawano’s friend from class 2-1, was another victim; she decided to jump off a mountain instead, ending her life forever.

Nobuaki realizes on their train ride to the village where The King’s Game initially took place that the King must be someone in his class, telling this information to his classmates, and Nami takes this information to heart by ordering herself to touch the King for confirmation texts. Unfortunately, she was then slashed by Riona and died for her actions.


King’s Game tells a highly dark tale. The “King” doesn’t need masks or knives to carry out their crimes – instead, he murders school-age students through something hardwired into their millennial minds – their mobile phones. Furthermore, this sentient virus-like entity (which the game creator(s) never reveal) can force players into playing gruesome games, kill them with impunity, and cannot be erased even with Ria’s efforts at hacking or deleting its code! In short – King’s Game has no human creator(s), nor can it ever be removed by hacking or any attempt by Ria at doing this thing (King). Furthermore, despite Ria attempting to hack it or remove this piece of technology (in its code), no king can ever be erased or erased despite her attempts to do just this). The “King” is immortal and cannot be deleted regardless of any attempts by Ria, nor be removed by Ria even when she attempts to do just this (Ria). Ria knows all phone numbers/ locations for murderous games created for killing officious games and knows of all its creator(s), making the “King) immortal, so its creator(s) knows all phone numbers/ locations knows everyone’s numbers/kill anyone, nor has any intention to delete or hack/erase the King is immortal and cannot even delete him/her untrue) even her attempts (despite Ria).

Although this anime hasn’t yet been translated into English, it’s worth watching if you subscribe to the Japanese streaming service Crunchyroll. While its animation may not look stunning, it still adequately conveys characters’ emotions and the horror of their situations; deaths are suitably grimy to meet its ’18’ age rating.

Beginning its inaugural King’s Game at Kure Academy, Class 2-1, students receive texts from an unknown “King.” Aya becomes one of the first casualties after losing her parents in an automobile accident and refusing to consume food out of fear of punishment by the “King.” Nobuaki manages to survive yet loses Riona as his companion.

Nobuaki’s only chance at success lies in offering money and promising to kill all his classmates; unfortunately, this promise only becomes real once all classes have been eliminated, making this strategy relatively ineffective.

The show does an admirable job of making the deaths of its students feel realistic, though it’s hard to care about them when they’re just standing around talking. Chekhov’s Gun not being fired during the final episode was especially dismaying; fortunately, that won’t be the last time King attempts to murder students. According to its stinger reveal in episode 7, the game will resume at some point with him targeting random individuals instead of just choosing ones close by, as in episode 10.