Tooth Extraction Near Me in New York


Suppose your teeth become severely compromised due to decay or injury. In that case, extraction might be necessary to prevent infection and provide space for future solutions such as dental fillings, crowns, and implants.

This NYC clinic provides patients with a relaxing atmosphere and personalized dental care services in a friendly environment, building strong relationships within their local community and receiving excellent online reviews.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a severe dental condition that can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss. To best protect against it and avoid this scenario, practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing daily, is crucial in prevention. It would be best to visit your dentist every 6-12 months for cleanings and checkups.

Early intervention for cavities may involve using fluoride treatments and improving oral hygiene practices, while in more severe cases, they may need fillings or crowns from their dentist.

A cavity begins when bacteria break down the enamel and dentin of your teeth, producing acids that attack and wear down these rigid, white surfaces, forming small holes called cavities. If left unchecked, they can eventually reach the nerve center of a tooth and cause intense discomfort when you eat acidic or sweet foods and drinks.

Treatment for cavities starts by numbing the area around a tooth, with your dentist using a drill to extract decayed tissues using care when cleaning off hard-to-reach spots with their toothbrush. After doing so, they use tooth-colored filler material that looks natural to fill in any spaces left by decayed tissues; sealants will often be applied as preventive measures against future decay. If a cavity is especially deep, a root canal procedure may be necessary to save it – this involves extracting diseased pulp and tissues before sealing it all up and covering it with filling or other restoration – although this procedure could take several weeks before completion.

Tooth Trauma

Tooth trauma refers to any injury to the teeth, gums, or bones supporting them, including sports mishaps, car accidents, and bad falls. Depending on its severity, treatment may require consulting an oral surgeon or dentist.

Typical forms of dental trauma include chips and fractures. Such damage typically affects only the outer enamel layer (enamel). Although such incidents usually do not cause discomfort, they should still be examined by a dentist to see if any nerve tissue is compromised and whether any possible disruptions to these injuries have injured any neighboring teeth.

Knocked-out teeth represent more severe dental trauma, as the tooth has been dislodged from its socket through force or by accident. As soon as possible, treatment must begin to increase the chances of successful replantation; endodontists are experts at performing root canal treatment if the pulp becomes compromised.

If your tooth has become dislodged, bite down on the gauze pack provided by your dentist or oral surgeon to reduce bleeding and swelling. Take any prescribed medications as directed and use ice packs on the affected area to decrease swelling and discomfort.

Most patients can resume their routine within 24 to 48 hours following a simple extraction, while some may experience more complications or require more prolonged recovery. If your dentist or oral surgeon suggests surgical extraction, follow his or her instructions carefully to minimize further complications and a longer recovery timeframe.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is an infection that attacks and destroys bone and tissue surrounding your teeth, ultimately leading to their loss. Plaque (pronounced plak) bacteria create this severe oral health issue.

Healthy gums should appear pink and firm. Unfortunately, suppose plaque is left to build up without regular removal through brushing and flossing. In that case, it can harden into tartar, which releases toxins that irritate and damage gum tissue, eventually leading to swelling that bleeds when you brush or floss. If left untreated, this irritation could even result in bleeding gums when brushing or flossing!

Bleeding gums are one of the telltale signs of gingivitis, the mildest form of gum disease. But even at this early stage, any damage from bacteria-released toxins can be reversed through proper treatment and good at-home oral care practices.

However, once gum disease has progressed past its initial stages, its impact can be devastating. Infection can cause discomfort and tooth loss, and bacteria from oral infections can spread throughout your bloodstream into other parts of the body, contributing to heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.

Marc J. Beshar Dentistry provides an effective gum disease treatment: scaling and root planing. This involves extracting plaque and tartar from around the gumline while smoothing out your roots to decrease pockets where bacteria can hide. Although this process may require multiple appointments to complete, this process helps reduce swelling as well as reduce infection risks; sometimes, surgery may even be necessary to restore lost bone or tissue.


Overcrowding is one of the most prevalent dental problems that can lead to further issues. Crowding can cause discomfort, tooth loss, and infection without treatment. Therefore, visiting your dentist as soon as you notice this complication is crucial, as practicing good oral hygiene habits and seeing them regularly for exams.

Emergency visits to the dentist can be hectic and hectic affairs, but visiting one can often be less traumatic than hospital care. New York City boasts numerous emergency dentists ready to treat all dental emergencies, including broken and knocked-out teeth.

At this clinic, the dentists specialize in treating dental emergencies and will do everything possible to see you as soon as possible. After performing a complete examination and taking X-rays to identify the root cause of your discomfort, they may provide temporary painkilling medication until more permanent solutions can be discussed with them.

This clinic is conveniently situated in a safe city area and provides extended hours. Their team is committed to ensuring their patients receive only the highest-quality care, including offering sedation dentistry to make your visit as stress-free as possible.

This New York City dentist boasts over 27 years of experience in general and cosmetic dentistry. His practice offers dentures, dental implants, crowns, and veneers. With a gentle approach and commitment to patient comfort in his cozy office setting, they take great pride in creating lasting smiles with every treatment plan they deliver.


Many adults and teenagers are ideal candidates for Invisalign clear aligners, which gradually shift the crookedness of teeth for an even smile. They can treat dental malocclusions (an underbite, open bite, overbite, crossbite, or narrow arch), crowded or crookedness, or gaps between teeth; an Invisalign solution provides a discreet alternative to traditional braces for patients of all ages.

Invisalign trays should be worn all the time except when eating and drinking, with new ones replaced every two weeks and monitored to ensure progress is being made. This treatment option is particularly efficient for people who can keep to their scheduled wearing schedule; in such instances, they will likely require fewer appointments than traditional braces.

While Invisalign can be an extremely effective treatment option for many, it still has some drawbacks that should be considered when deciding whether it is appropriate for you. Therefore, you must consult an experienced orthodontist to assess your needs and ascertain if this treatment will meet them effectively.

New York State boasts an abundance of dentists and orthodontists offering Invisalign services, with NYC boasting more than 500 Invisalign providers – giving patients plenty of choices. However, costs for Invisalign vary widely between providers depending on experience, location, and taxes added onto treatment fees; orthodontists with long track records often charge more. Dental insurance policies that cover orthodontic costs may also partially cover these expenses.