Hair Transplant Before and After


After topical treatments no longer proved effective, this patient turned to FUE hair transplantation to strengthen his hairline and create more density in zones 1 and 2. 3200 grafts were implanted, along with PRP therapy, to promote healing and encourage growth. He adores his new job and looks forward to witnessing even more significant expansion one year post-implantation. Find out the best info about Follicular unit extraction clinic in ARIZONA.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation, also known as hair restoration, involves transplanting healthy follicles from areas with excess hair to those without it. Like any surgery procedure, there can be risks and recovery times involved with transplanting healthy hair follicles to areas without enough. As with any surgery procedure, risks and recovery times may be involved; an experienced surgeon with extensive training should possess both technical skill and artistic vision to deliver a discreet result – treating each follicular unit like an individual brush stroke to create an appealing yet balanced look.

Your surgeon will begin by extracting hair from the donor area of your scalp. This may take one session or multiple sessions depending on how many grafts need transplanting before placing transplanted strands in areas where bald or thinning patches exist on your scalp, where they will remain and continue growing as natural-looking full heads of natural-looking hair will improve both appearance and self-confidence.

During your procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered. Although you may feel pressure or movement sensations while the surgeon works on you, these should not be painful. If any discomfort arises during this process, ask your surgeon for a mild sedative that may make the experience more comfortable.

After your hair transplant surgery, your scalp will be covered in a large dressing. Any non-dissolvable stitches used will need to be removed within several days; otherwise, follow your doctor’s instructions regarding care of your scalp and at-home treatments for best results. It is usual for transplanted hairs to shed two to three weeks post-surgery; this will give way to new growth!

Hair transplants are generally considered cosmetic surgeries and do not qualify for rebates through Medicare or private health insurers unless used to address an underlying medical condition, such as scarring from burns or post-surgery facelifting surgery. Some doctors offer payment plans to cover the cost of hair transplantation surgeries.

What happens during the procedure?

Hair transplants use local anesthesia and sedation to ensure you remain pain-free during their procedures. Your surgeon may use either a scalpel or needle to numb an area on your head, or they could perform FUE (follicular unit extraction) surgery without incisions, which extracts tiny grafts from dense areas on your back scalp and places them into bald or thin spots of scalp tissue for transplant. Depending on your hair history and restoration goals, your doctor will decide which treatment would work best.

Before beginning the procedure, your surgeon will clean and numb the area where grafts will be placed on your scalp. They will then create holes using a scalpel or needle and carefully insert hair follicles into each one; other team members may assist them during more extensive transplant sessions.

Once your transplanted follicles have been successfully transplanted, your doctor will bandage or wrap your head and provide instructions regarding at-home care. You must follow these instructions since doing so will ensure your grafts heal quickly. You should avoid rubbing or applying pressure directly onto them while sleeping on three or four pillows, which will decrease risk factors such as pulling sensations or damage to the grafts.

During the healing process, your grafts may begin to fall out. This is normal and allows new follicles to establish themselves. Your doctor may suggest medication to stop further hair loss or thinning – helping ensure long-term results.

One final thing you should remember when recovering is to forgo smoking, as it can hamper your recovery process. If you currently smoke, try quitting at least a few weeks before and after the procedure. Furthermore, any medications not prescribed by your physician could impede recovery efforts.

What happens after the procedure?

As your hair transplant heals, its appearance should gradually thicken and fill out over time. But multiple sessions may be required before reaching desired results – each taking several hours under anesthesia – so researching doctors before scheduling surgery is crucial – the Bosley team offers highly experienced hair transplant surgeons referrals for this process.

After surgery, you should refrain from exposure to direct sunlight for approximately one-week post-surgery. Your scalp is still sensitive after your procedure, and UV rays from sunlight could harm newly planted hair follicles and lead to their destruction. In addition, surgical scars need time to heal before you can wash them away.

After your hair transplant, it is normal to experience tenderness, itchiness, redness, and minor pain. Over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen or naproxen may provide temporary relief; if discomfort continues beyond this point, speak to your physician about other possible solutions to reduce pain.

It’s normal for your hair to shed as part of the healing process. This allows new growth to emerge later, typically within one month, but may take several months until visible results become evident. Many doctors prescribe minoxidil or finasteride to optimize regrowth and reduce future loss.

By day ten post-hair transplant, most grafts should have become stable, and most patients can resume normal daily activities without any noticeable scarring. You can start exercising immediately; just ensure it takes place under cover so your scalp does not experience too much physical trauma during workouts.

Your transplanted hair may still show signs of scabbing, but scars should fade with time. Your new growth should look natural, but it may take up to nine months for full results to manifest – this may take even longer if your thin or delicate locks require special consideration for growth.

How long does it take to recover from a hair transplant?

Initial discomfort after a hair transplant can range from mild to severe, usually controlled with over-the-counter medication prescribed by your surgeon. Scabs that form post-procedure may itch briefly before falling away and being replaced by fresh, new skin tissue. To speed recovery time and avoid infection risks, avoid rubbing or scratching at any scabs that appear; this may delay healing processes significantly and increase risk.

As exposure to direct sunlight can damage follicles further, it is also crucial that they are shielded from further sunburn by wearing a wide-brimmed hat when heading outside – this should provide enough shade from direct sun. You should also limit physical exertion that might tire or sweat you; your doctor may suggest taking it easy after surgery but eventually returning to normal daily activities within several weeks.

The shock loss period will end within one month after a hair transplant, and new growth can be seen. At this stage, some transplanted and native hair may begin to fall out, which may be alarming, but this is part of the natural hair transplant recovery process and should not cause too much concern.

After one month has passed, both transplanted and native areas should begin to show improvement in terms of scabbing. You should be able to resume washing your hair after this point; it would be wise to check with your surgeon regarding when this should begin and any post-procedure instructions they provide. Swimming should also be avoided to protect the transplanted grafts; your surgeon may suggest wearing a swim cap, but for best results, check with them directly for specific advice. Follow all your surgeon’s guidelines to ensure a successful recovery from hair transplant surgery that will bring you the desired results in the long run.

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