How to Change Talks About in LinkedIn


LinkedIn’s “Talks About” section showcases your expertise, skills, and talents in an unconventional manner that stands apart from other social media platforms. Here, the emphasis lies on real-time discussions and exchanges rather than individual perspectives being displayed.

Discover how to effectively update LinkedIn conversations and reach potential employers, clients, and collaborators on LinkedIn.

1. Activate Creator Mode

By activating Creator Mode on LinkedIn, you gain access to a host of content marketing features. These include being able to showcase up to five of your most frequently posted topics and replacing “Connect” with “Follow,” helping grow your audience on LinkedIn while driving traffic back to your blog or website.

LinkedIn recently introduced a feature to encourage members to post more original content on the platform, specifically tailored for professionals seeking to expand their following and form communities on LinkedIn. LinkedIn promises that it will reward creators by amplifying posts, reordering Featured and Activity sections of their profiles, showing followers on profiles, and offering content tips and tailored best practices if they opt-in to this feature.

As part of LinkedIn’s latest update, your Featured and Activity sections will now appear at the top of your profile, while About will move further down. This represents a substantial alteration to how your profile is displayed; it could make it harder for people to locate contact details quickly at a glance and could limit its use for marketing. It’s important to remember that not everyone on LinkedIn shares your interests or content preferences equally – thus, developing a robust social media strategy is necessary in order to reap maximum benefit from this new feature.

Before you make a final decision on whether or not to activate Creator Mode, it is wise to measure its results for at least a month prior to making a definitive call. This allows you to see how its new features impact profile views, average post views, and search appearances; alternatively, you can always turn Creator Mode off at any time should the results not meet expectations.

2. Add Hashtags

No matter if you use LinkedIn for personal or professional reasons, each post you make allows up to three hashtags at the end. Insert them with the # symbol before each keyword.

Relevance should always be your top priority when using hashtags, as nonsensical or inappropriate ones could alienate your audience and cause LinkedIn algorithm bots to consider you spamming the feed, leading to reduced reach.

When selecting hashtags to use, first identify keywords or catchphrases that your audience will find most beneficial or relatable. Enter these terms into LinkedIn’s search box followed by “#LinkedInCreators” to view who else is using that hashtag in posts or profiles – follower numbers are helpful when assessing relevance – although don’t rule out trying hashtags with lower followership numbers as they could still increase!

If a particular hashtag is already overused and not producing much success for you, consider switching it for a similar but lesser-used option to increase visibility and reach.

Once you’ve selected the hashtags that you wish to use, the next step should be creating a publication. Be careful; only add a handful of hashtags per update to avoid LinkedIn’s algorithms deeming your content spam and diminishing its reach. Furthermore, punctuation or symbols within hashtags will likely be stripped and no longer clickable.

Not unlike Twitter and Instagram, LinkedIn is designed for professionals. Specific hashtags may not be appropriate on LinkedIn, such as #SongsYouHateAndWhy or #AddSteveBuscemiToAnything; additionally, it’s wise to avoid misspelled hashtags, which may become inaccessible and no longer clickable.